Desertion [Joining, Reserved for Jaz :3]
Sin was ready. Ready to accept his death, his fate, to go see his parents in the inevitable afterlife and live forever in eternal bliss. He was sure he'd die from one of three things. Starvation, thirst, or sun stroke. Either way, all three would be a slow painful death, and the hybrid was sure he'd be feeling every scorching pain. Curling his fingers into the sand, he took a few more ragged breaths as the sun beat down on his naked body. Just... end it, he thought, looking off into the waves of the ocean. He wasn’t scared, he’d been raised to never be scared of anything…

Thumpity thump thump… he thought to himself. For a moment, Sin thought he was going insane from the heat, but with closer hearing he could tell the thumping was real. So… I’m not going to die? His head tried to turn the other way, and a jumble of muttered words escaped his muzzle. If he was like this now, how come he’d been so alive when he woke up? He reasoned it to be adrenaline, and groaned as he was suddenly picked up. The dalmy/wolf hybrid wasn’t that all surprised. Most females could pick him up, so he just drew himself into the stronger person’s chest, using all of his strength to hold onto the backpack. It was heavy enough to make him strain his arm, and all Sinatra could pray for was some food and fresh water. Maybe somebody to hold onto as he puked it all back up, too.

A blur was put into his vision, and for a moment Sin thought he was going blind. He blinked though, and when he looked up he could see a glass of water, and beyond that, a wolf. A big wolf. He heard is him called, and he took hesitant small sips, thinking of what wolf that he didn’t know would know his name. Licking his now damp lips, he breathed heavily while he looked at the male. ”J-… Jazzy?” He coughed into a paw, the tattoos on his wrists glinting from the sweat on his body. Pink eyes looked over a similar tattoo on “Jaz”’s left eye. ”Is that you…?”

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