people create stories create people

OOC: ::Word Count:: 700+

The whispers got steadily more pronounced, flawlessly doubling the growing motions of the wind, who had caught momentum in its pace and breezed, chillier than before, through the two Crimson Dreamers' furs. It was spellbinding to listen to the tone of the stories shared in secrecy within the dark confines of the night; it felt as if you had trespassed in a realm of dreams, and wanted to wake up so you could tell everyone of what you had seen and heard, only to find that you were part of the realm itself, one with the fantastical beings whose lives were consumed before you. The ivory femme felt the tug to respond to what was being imparted to her, to somehow enhance this dimension only she seemed to be aware of, but felt the restrictions imposed by her mute allegiance with the storyteller which the zephyr had become: the ability to relate to the tales of the night was the gift of her ancestors, and all she could do was pass on what she heard. She could not integrate another in this fairy tale surrounding without risking to lose her forbearers' ancestral ties with the night's Spirit.

The pup's question arose a new kind of feeling in her-- it was what she had always imagined a storyteller felt, whenever faced with the possibility of sharing a tale of old; this emotion flooded her slowly, falling into an even pace with the steady flow of her blood, heightening her sense of presence and somehow adjusting time to her needs. She was under the impression that she could take as much time as she needed to fulfill the purpose of her story-- the night would never come to an end, not before the myth had been consumed and had made its consequent impression on the Sadira-Marino pup next to her. His interest in what she was saying was giving her confidence that her words would hit a chord deep within the small wolf, that they would not be in vain or simply remain upon the wind, where the pup would not be able to find them again. Aided by the knowledge that she now had a faithful audience, clinging on to her every word, the alabaster femme began, her voice as soft and melodic as an age-old song, "Well, the story says that all children, when small and growing and still unaware of the perils of life, make an unspoken vow not to cross their parents' will, for they wish only the best for them. This pup, however, was not like most. Although curiousity ran through the veins of all the youngster of that pack, he was the only one to take it further. Far enough, even, to break his silent promise that he would never venture beyond the borders of his clan. She paused, giving Gotham time to integrate the atmosphere of the tale into that of the tranquil night. "However, doing what he did was difficult, because all the adults in the pack kept their eyes on the young ones, especially him, since he was more mischievous than the others. So, the small wolf chose the time of night to make himself unseen-- and it was this, probably more than anything else, that led him straight to danger. All the youngsters were unaware that a spell, a sort of ancestral magic kept the pack tight-knit and safe, out of harm's way. By leaving it without the knowledge of the adults and without their approval, that spell was lifted from you, and your safety lay in your own hands. But you can imagine how a child would not understand this, would think that the world was an exact replica of life within his pack. Much to his bewilderment, though, that was not the case. However, there was much magic surrounding this clan-- so much that, each wolf, be it small or grown-up, had a protective spirit. Like an unseen guardian. Usually this protective spirit would be one of his ancestors-- say a great-grandfather or great-grandmother who had died long before his time, or any other distant relative of that kind. And it can be said that this was what helped the pup overcome the obstacles that lay ahead of him." Urma's voice faded out, waiting for some sort of acknowledgement that the cerulean-orbed wolf beside her did not have any other questions to ask before she continued her story.


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