rescue our friend
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OOC: Sorry this comes so late >.< ::Word Count:: 500+

Ehno's kind words went straight to Urma's heart. The ivory femme felt strongly for the gray male, despite their becoming acquainted in such circumstances. His gratitude in the face of her reaction helped her understand how much Ehno needed any sign of support and sympathy-- she could only fathom how hard it must have been for him, how hard it still was, to desperately want to help someone everyone else, including your family, viewed with contempt. She knew she could not judge Savina for her impression of Naniko-- her child had been affected by Naniko's mistakes, irrespective of whether it had been intentional or not. In the same time, Ehno was the father of the outcast's pups. It was something that clearly weighed him down, not because he did not want the children or was afraid he would be an unworthy father for them, but because he knew how hard it was for the male to juggle his relationship with the mother of his children with that with his sister; she could see how his desperate wish not to upset either of the two parties involved took its toll on him. It was this realization that made the pearl femme reach out to the anguished wolf, at least in thought, since she felt that physically putting a hand on his shoulder was rather inappropriate given the situation which had brought them together. His apology was superfluous to the crisp white female, so she hurried to say, "Please. You did nothing to worry me. If anything, you put me at ease that Naniko will not meet a worse faith than she had already had so far. It's very important for her to have a loved one close. As it is for you, I'm sure." She smiled, empathy flowing through her and into her warmhearted words. She wanted to reassure the gray wolf that everything would turn out for the best eventually, even if the path there would not be easy.

His hopeful words calmed the ivory she-wolf down. It would do the both of them, Ehno and Naniko, much good to see this situation as virtually good, regardless of the temporary problems that occurred. In time things would be put behind-- maybe Savina and Naniko would again become friends in a common attempt to ease the pressure the tension between them caused for Ehno. Indeed, time was a faithful helper-- although it would take a while, past disputes would be put aside. Urma hoped this would be made easier by the birth of the pups-- children had the innocent gift of bringing people together and would maybe even aid in the overcoming of the rift that now separated the current Commander from the ex-Commander. These were all optimistic assumptions, of course, something the alabaster femme was perfectly conscious of. Only time itself could tell how things would progress, but the hope remained that it would be in everyone's favour. "I can only guess how hard this is on you, your family, Naniko... And I know I'm in no position to give advice. But you must not lose your faith in the fact that, no matter how hard, things will turn out well. Just like you said, you'll figure it out. As long as the two of you stick together, there's little that can bring you apart." She really meant what she said. It had been like this for her. As long as she had something to live for, she could overcome any and all obstacles she was faced with.


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