my angel wings are bruised & restrained
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whee, new table.

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Pilot was no longer around. That was a shame, in a vague sort of way. Not like Sofia would have much to stay to him, but it was a point of shared history, and friendships have been borne of less significant commonalities. Oh well, it was nothing worth dwelling after, although she did spare a few moments of thought for the hesitation in Kansas' voice. There was more to the story, but it sounded like a delicate matter he was trying to avoid having to bring up. She had no grounds to press him further, and so Sofi's sparked curiosity would just have to flicker out.

Of course, it wasn't like she was going to be entirely up-front and detailed in her ever answer either. Because technically speaking, the correct answer to his question was "I'm here to die." But that sort of thing only led down paths of conversation she preferred not to walk, and so she softened her words, saying instead a quite polite and still accurate "I plan to stay, for a while. Not sure where, yet. I'm considering joining Inferni. Which pack are you in?" Sofia knew very well the answer, location-wise. He smelled like the lands with that lake, that were east of here. But she had never been told the name of the pack that lived there.

She sort of wondered what the white male's reaction would be to the name of the coyote pack. For having a not-insignificant amount of coyote blood in her veins, she passed for a wolf fairly readily. Hopefully that wouldn't present an issue if she did end up trying to join Inferni, but Kaena had been able to see Sofi's heritage etched in her shape. So even if no one else could tell, at least she would vouch for her. Maybe. That rain-soaked night now seemed a long time ago, faint and foggy with unreality. Well, that was a problem to worry about another day.


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