tiny cities made of ashes
out of character
Hi! Let me know if I need to change the last few paragraphs. I'm not sure if it's considered power-playing or not. ^__^

I r is rites bads 2nite 4 sum reazuns.

out of character
Bramble, despite her Optime form, was on all fours with her nose to the ground. She inched along the intestinal-esque expanse of Harrow Road Landfill and observed the otherwordly landscape from an ant's eye view. Her tail swayed gently as she crawled along and sniffed, felt, eyed, and tasted the interesting world around her...

All of this exploration got her thinking as she gently caressed a rubber tire, what compelled humans to make this pointless junk, and then make pointless piles of it? That was when she noticed Luperci footprints in the easily provoked dirt. The trail went right on passed the tire and out of view around a junk-filled bend. Her curiosity was piqued, so she crawled over to it and sniffed the track. Fresh...

Of course, Bram followed the trail without hesitation. With skirt held at her thigh with one hand she crawled awkwardly until she reached the aforementioned corner, and from the other side she heard a low growl followed by some fumbling. An agonizing scream of machinery caused the girl to startle and back away from the edge of her hiding place. Seconds passed and she recovered from the fright as she leaned in for a first peek at the cause of the unnatural noise. She caught sight of a boy's back disappearing into the jarred mouth of a machine, and then she was spying on his profile. In the meantime her mind was quite lost for thoughts. Spying on handsome young boys? Oi.

Bramble saw him touch the vehicle's innards before she went back into hiding. She stood, dusted her white buttoned up shirt and leather skirt, and strolled from around the corner where she formerly spied from. Feeling demure, the girl stopped for a moment and looked around apparently oblivious to the boy in the car. She peered footward at a piece of claw-size scrap metal, then bent down to pick it up.

Bram held the silver square (a door hinge, actually) to the sun and looked at it with one eye squeezed shut against the bright light. The image of the bandanna-headed, shirtless boy was all that burned in her mind despite the way she eyed the piece of crap as if it were the most interesting thing in the world. Now, with her back to him it was the boy's turn to spy, and she secretly welcomed him to with desperate thirst. Bram fantasized about his personality as she eyed the sun beams exploding through the metal trinket's screw holes.


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