spend all my time amongst the animals
I presumed that Kaena bandaged him up, so I hope that's okay. XD If not, kick me!
For all his worth (which may not have been very much at all), Hezekiah tended to stay out of the way. It was a conditioned response for him not to be underfoot, not to persist in asking too many questions but rather figure things out for himself, and although perhaps his seeming lack of social behaviour seemed like a conditioned response, it was only partially that way. He was unknowingly more true to his species than those around him; he was very much a solitary creature. Being apart of pack or clan was somewhat out of his element, although he had belonged to what probably seemed like the scant makings of one. Before Inferni, he had spent the majority of his time in the company of his father and if not him, then generally anyone nearby he was familiar enough with and who didn’t think that he was esurient for attention, food, or otherwise. What time wasn’t spent in the company of others, he naturally spent alone and in turn, had become self-sufficient.

Which had surprisingly come in handy, when he ended up having to fend for himself and teach himself to be clever where the shortcomings of a parent came in. Maybe that was partially way he had lasted as long as he had, having been at it far longer than he should have been at that age. While being nearly a year old may have classified him as something like an adult, Hezekiah was far from being beyond the guidance and attention of an elder. He still had a lot to learn and much more to prove in order to be any real contribution anywhere. But despite his solitary nature, it didn’t bother him when he picked up on the sounds of someone else approaching, nor did it make him wary because the steps were far too gentle to have been someone unfamiliar with where they were. He glanced over his shoulder, eyes scanning over the tall tips of the grass for a moment until he had found Kaena’s silvery form parting through the grass with ease.

It was with a faint smile and a steady wave of his bushy tail that he greeted her, not deterred in the slightest by her appearance now that he could clearly see it and just as she studied him, he studied her and was innately curious of her story, though he abandoned the thought in favour to answer her question. “Better… much better.” Her help he was more than grateful for, this he could not deny from his tone. “My head doesn’t hurt any more and my side still does, but at least it’s healing. Doesn’t hurt too much to move about now.” And once it did heal, he would be happy to do away with the bandaging, considering how well it stood out from the woodsy colour of his coat. But at least this far into Inferni’s territory, he didn’t have to worry about feeling like a walking target.

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