scavenge what you will [p]

WC: 300+
No worries! I might be a bit slow too. I’m not supposed to be on this computer, but I’m a ninja, so I don’t think I’ll get caught. XD

Finn raised an eyebrow as Vigilante politely disagreed in his verbose way. ”Hah, if only everyone believed such a thing. I’ll bet there’d be a lot less fighting, on the whole, if they did.” Though Finn did not expect others to treat her with such regard, it was a pleasant change from the norm. She bowed low in response, adding, ”And it’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance as well.” That said, she sat, looking around at the tumbled landscape.

”I’ve been settled in the forest nearby for a week or so, and simply decided to wander this way. I’ve never been in a city, and I can’t say I like it very much. Something about all this rubble and ruin gives me the willies.” She’d heard of humans, but their legends were more vague and obtuse than most. They’d been around a long time ago, built places like this, and then died off. That, Finn knew. What they had looked like or did besides create huge structures from stone and glass was less obvious. Her father had said that once, wolves had been dominated by these creatures. It was ridiculous! As if wolves would submit to that. It actually cracked Finn up to think of such a ludicrous idea.

”You a pack wolf, then? And what pack would this be, that is so industrious and expansive-minded?” Finn, like any wolf that had been tossed out of a pack before, was always a little suspicious of large groupings of wolves. But, as a newcomer it did her well to figure out who owned what land and what they were like, so as to avoid stepping on somebody’s toes and causing a fuss. She already knew about the Inferni, and kept far away from any land that might possible encroach on their region on the basis of the rumours alone. Finn was a fighter, to be sure, but she wasn’t stupid. She’d have to be mad to start a fight with a whole pack of wolf killers.


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