So why don't you sing to me

The ivory and merle femme sighed slightly when Heath admitted that he did not want to compete with Jac. "I don't want you to either. You don't have to compete with him...there isn't anything to compete far as I'm concerned. I just wanted to make sure you knew that," she reassured the male, reaching her hand up to gently rub the side of his neck in a reassuring, and affectionate gesture. It was amazing to Ruri how Stark had seemed to sense the tension of the situation and had compensated by slowing his pace to make it easier for the luperci who were focused on another issue rather than riding him at the moment.

When Heath told her what he wanted to do, the slender border collie could only smile lovingly, her blind, pale blue eyes staring upwards towards his face. "You do make me happy Heath...both you and Jac make me happy," she mentioned. She knew what she meant when she said that both he and Jac made her happy, but at this point in time she was unsure whether Heath knew precisely what she meant. He seemed to tense up every time she mentioned Jac, just as Jac had grown uneasy with her every mention of Heath's name. Had both males already established some sort of competition between the two of them? She certainly hoped not. She would hate to have her best friend and the one she loved fighting over her when she would rather have them be friends.

It was obvious to the slate hued femme that her discussion of her personal difficulty had proceeded to demolish a perfectly lovely outing. Now she felt bad and Heath felt bad when they had both started out feeling quite good. Perhaps she would make things better, or so her innocent mind thought. "Heath...can you show me how fast Stark can run?" she questioned, hoping that her curious inquiry might draw Heath's attention away from something negative to something positive and enjoyable. Her half-folded collie ears were perked curiously as she leaned back against Heath's strong chest, feeling his hand still holding her abdomen. She prayed that her plan would work. She didn't want this ride to go any further downhill than it had gone already.


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