
So Svara had finally shown her face again. Firefly really wasn't sure what she thought of it. She didn't really care that the woman was back she just wished the bitch would get over her high and mighty beliefs. Firefly had left but she'd returned, just lke Svara had. It had taken the golden woman a little longer than she intended to figure out just where she belonged but now that she'd done that she didn't plan on going anywhere. She flicked her ears back and frowned, wondering when the girl was going to appear out of nowhere like she always had in the past. She was long overdue as it was and Firefly really didn't like surprises.

The Sadira woman sat on the dock in their little city and stared out at the sea. The gulls were crying above as they dove in and out of the cold waters in search of food. Firefly shook her head, wondering how the birds could stand the chilly waters. Just once more she dipped her toes in the water but quickly brought them back out as she flicked the droplets from her fur. It was defineately not something she wanted to do right now. Maybe later she'd feel that daring but for now she was content doing nothing as she waited for the sun to appear.

The sky was beginning to grow rosy already and she knew sooner than later the sea would be abaze. She turned her head towards the quite city around her for a moment, the building all sharing a pinkish red glow as the world was beginning to come awake. The city would never really wake again, but the world that had laid claim to the human's creation were beginning to stir.


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