Such hidden surprises

Firefly couldn't help but raise her brows at the chuckle that seemed to come from Leroy, she was afraid to even ask what the male was thinking and to a degree she knew it was safer not to ask, for himself and her own. She just rolled her eyes and accepted the fact, they all wanted her in the end, or so she'd convince herself of thus. The girl turned her emerald orbs back to her old friend as she asked. "Soo.. are we going to play follow the leader once more on some daring adventure.." Ok, so it was just a cave, but they could make it an adventure, they always seemed to in their own mocking ways.

Firefly knew that she'd struck a nerve with the male and she just waited, knowing sooner or later he'd get over her comments and move on to another subject or at least humor her on whatever she was riding his ass on this time. She raised a brow as finally he did give up the ghost and start the flow of the conversation once more. She flashed him that devilish grin and waited to see just what he had to say on the subject.

What he did say surprised her a little, she had learned that Leroy and Svara had split up but she hadn't realized how soon after the pack had been formed. When Leroy explained this to Firefly she just let out a little huff of surprise, "Well, as long as you're enjoying yourself.." she said with a slight chuckle. He rambled on about the new surprise life had thrown at him and she did little but shrug, the topic a little touchy for the Sadira woman. "Just don't screw it up Leroy.." she said as she moved towards the cave.

"Well, are you coming?" she asked, then stopped. "Nevermind, we're gonna need some light anyways.. might as well start a fire so we can catch a look around inside." She really just wanted to figure out why there were tracks leading into the cavern and being presented with obstacles was not something she wanted to deal with.


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