Desertion [Joining, Reserved for Jaz :3]
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Hello! 300+

She didn't know why she was out and about so soon after a storm. It's not like there would be anyone on the borders. Anyone with half a sense would have taken cover. While she was doing a little better (little being the keyword), the Commander still was trying to spend time away from the mansion as much as she could. It seemed it was becoming more and more difficult to keep the truth of her worries from the pups, a constant struggle to act like everything was fine and nothing had changed. So much had changed though, and she didn't know if those changes were over yet. Somewhere, off to the east, she had nieces and nephews and she wondered if she would ever see them or get to know them. She wondered if her brother would ever return and the icy talons dug into her heart at the thought, making her face screw up in pain. She would never be the same if he left.

When she wasn't worrying about what Ehno would choose she was worrying over her sister's condition. Savina wanted to be overjoyed but it was hard to be with what had happened to Ghita's last litter weighing heavy in her mind. The last thing she wanted was for her sister to endure that loss again, and she didn't want it to happen to Jazper either. They both had lost so much and they deserved to have something good happen. The Italian fey wanted her sister to be happy. She wanted Ghita to have what she had. All their hearts would break if this litter didn't make it. Every day she prayed to the gods to make the pups growing in her sister strong and healthy. The Marino family needed some joy in the midst of all this turmoil.

Ebony paws traipsed over the saturated earth as a couple of scents entered her nose. Triangular ears perked as she sniffed. One she knew very well: Jazper. She was still getting used to the idea of him as her brother-in-law, but it was growing on her. If she had to choose a male in the pack to be with her sibling, it would be the gentle protector. The other smell though was completely foreign to her and so she picked up her pace to go and make sure all was well. Voices began to filter into her ears and her eyes were trained forward curiously. She saw Jazz and another, smaller, male who was colored in a way she had never set eyes on before. The Commander was however distracted by something unsettling, the human object that the stranger was holding out. Her body froze as a primal fear set in. The hair along her spine bristled as emeralds took in the dangerous tool.


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