a very merry unbirthday to all [p]
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<3 500+ words.

######His acceptance seemed held back, which only made her more nervous about being there. Likely, it meant he was still angry with her, though she did not know exactly what she was worried about him being angry about. It could have been the choice of name when yelling, or that she had sex in the first place, or that she took Haven's side in that argument. It was probably all three, which only made the situation worse. Princess followed him into his room quietly, pulling the door shut behind her, just incase he was still angry. Even if he wasn't, though, she thought the conversation they were going to have was far too personal for anyone passing through the halls to be listening in on. For a girl who was always so nosy, she very much cherished privacy when it came to herself and her own affairs. Just because she wanted to know everything about everyone, no one needed to know anything about her or her brother, or that involved the two of them together.

######Taking the box that was handed to her, Princess settled uneasily on the bed, quickly surveying the room. It looked so different from her room, but also strangely similar. It held the human touches, just like hers, but it seemed that she had kept hers a bit more pristine, and she had many more belongings than he did. That also was not surprising, since she had, unfortunately, inherited more of her mother's traits, and her mother was very materialistic. Allowing her attention to fall once more on the box her brother had given her, she lifted the lid and studied its contents. "They're so pretty," she exclaimed quietly, one delicate finger pressing fondly against the jewelled bugs. Lifting the dragonfly out, she studied it carefully. Golden eyes lifting to her brother, she smiled shyly. He knew her so well, it seemed, even if they had been separated for so long and had fought twice since they had found one another again. "Thank you, Ares."

######Ares was still upset about what she had called him, Princess believed, but to have him say that he forgave her was enough to make her feel a little reassured, and his apology was honest, and relatively close to complete. He did not have to like Haven, but she wanted him to be happy for her anyway, if he could manage. "I was out of the pack lands a couple days after that happened, and I ended up talking to this guy, Anselm," she started, deciding to omit any mention of the wolf that had tried to take advantage of her after she threatened to bite him. If her brother had been so angry at her having consensual sex, what would he say if he learned about what had almost happened? He would probably never let her out of his sight again. "Anyway, I ended up talking to him about what had happened, because I was still upset, and he gave me some stuff to think about. . . But he basically told me not to be angry and that you were only trying to protect me. He asked how I would have felt if the situation was reversed, and. . . I tried to pretend it wouldn't bother me, but it would," she admitted. "So I wanted to come and tell you I wasn't mad anymore, and to ask. . . If you're still mad at me." Her tone was hopeful, but her eyes were on the floor.


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