At dawn's first breath you go
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Pocket Puppy! XD

The first tendrils of dawn were beginning to seep into the world and they were drawn into the those obsidian orbs. The spicy scent that covered his body mixed with the soft undertone of the morning dew. A slight fog hung close to the ground, giving the area around the great oak tree an almost mystic feel. Onus had never taken much notice of nature. He had never paused to study it or it's beauty. It seemed his days with Cwmfen had taught him things he had not realized. He still saw the world very differently than she did. She believed in fate, that their paths were preordained. The coyote did not share this view, but he did not mock her or her beliefs. Perhaps he were too cynical to believe in such things. He was too much of a realist to concern himself with what the heavens might or might not have planned. Yet still, he could see the subtle beauty in this nature that she so cherished. Before his life had been as cold and hard as the concrete he dwelt in. With her some warmth had crept into him and it seemed that it had taken root.

The man stretched his limbs and paid special attention to that marred shoulder. He placed a hand on that knotted tissue as he rolled the arm around in its socket. That arm was slightly stiffer than the other and without these daily cares he took to it it would become stiffer still. A vigilante could not afford such a thing. Once his muscles were sufficiently stretched and moved about he took a deep breath of the chilly air and released it slowly. Then he turned to gather his clothes and head out of Dahlia for a bit. He did not like leaving his family behind, but if was ever present it could pose a threat to them. The Soul male was no doubt trying to find him and the more he moved around the harder it would be for the brute. A clawed hand reached out the grab his coat and he noticed a certain resistance in the clothing that was unusual. Before he could inspect it though a voice called out to him.

Onus turned to take in the sight of his son making his way over the roots of the great tree. It was odd to see Honor up so early, and not only that but without Chastity by his side. Was something not right? "What is it Honor? Is something wrong?" the gravelly monotonous voice questioned. Inadvertently his arm that was holding onto his coat moved slightly and he felt that resistance again. Was it snagged on something? The coyote pulled to bring it closer to him and found that it was not, but there was some weight in it. He saw a bulge in one of the pocket and brought it up to his hands, looking inside. A small smile came to his stoic face. "How did you sneak out of the den?" he asked the curled up form residing in his coat.


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