At dawn's first breath you go
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Chastity had slept in a pile with her brother. The warmth within the den gave no hint of the chill outside, and she slept comfortably. Against her Mamaidh that slept without stirring, the little girl could sleep throughout the night. And so she had burrowed against the black-furred wolf, turning her black back to the world and snuggling her face and paws and tummy in the comfortable scent of her mother’s belly. A soft and contented sigh had passed through her as she fell into sleep and dreamt of exploring and playing with her black and white brother.

But Chastity had woken in the night, the suddenness of her awakening leaving the pull of sleep far behind. She did not feel sleepy, but everyone still slept. For a moment, the girl simply sat up, yawning as she looked around the darkness of the den. She found Dadaidh and it made her happy. He would be leaving soon. She did not know where he went, and she did not understand exactly why he left, but she did know that she wanted to know the answers. The dual coloured eyes looked down at her brother, wanting to wake him up, but she didn’t want to bother his sleeping. And so it was moments before Onus had woken, moments before Honor had been awakened, that Chastity silently climbed over the sleeping bodies and into the pocket of the coat that was discarded and unworn. The air outside could be felt now, and she knew that it was cold. The twin shivered a little, but she wasn’t sure if it was because it was cold or because she was about to walk far from Honor. She paused in the dark den, turning her head over her shoulder. It was still dark in there, and warm too. But maybe she would go with Dadaidh today. A soft, sleepy smile came to her little muzzle and she turned back and continued quietly on her way.

Outside was still a dark, but it was brighter than night. The little hybrid lifted her nose as she sniffed the air—it was just like she had seen Mamaidh do. Content, she hopped down quietly, listening to the night bugs making their music. And then she found it-- Dadaidh’s coat. It looked very warm, and she realized that it was cold. As she walked slowly to the jacket, she turned back again to see if Honor was following. He wasn’t, but the young mind wasn’t worried. She was convinced that the magic that kept them together would somehow magically bring him along. And so she crawled into a little space and curled up, sighing and sleeping.

It seemed as if she had only closed her eyes when the jacket moved. The young girl slept deeply, however, and so she fell back into her sleep. But it moved again, or perhaps several times more, and the young coyote-hued pup was forced awake. She yawned and streatched as Dadaidh’s voice came to her sleep-muddled ears. And then the cold air was let in and the black and white eyes sleepily opened. She saw Dadaidh’s face above her, and she smiled sleepily. "I walked quietly," the little voice yawned in response to his question. It seemed as if her stoicism was well founded. She turned over, ready to go back to sleep. "Are we there yet, Dadaidh?" The girl didn’t know where ‘there’ was, but she thought that they might have arrived. It was definitely a little brighter outside than it had been when she had crawled into the pocket.


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