fast rode the knight.
Sorry, had to rush to get this done and be out the door. So it's shit, xD

The rain weakened Seeker's senses. His sight was impaired by the sheets of rain, making blurred shapes out of what might otherwise be clear to him. Anything he might be able to hear was stolen by the harsh pounding of waves and the rhythmic roar of rain. His scent, too, was marred by the cold, unforgiving dampness of the wet world he now inhabited. As far as Seeker could tell, the rain was a team of warriors, disarming their enemies with ease. This was why, when a small voice found its way to his ears, he was absolutely caught off guard. But, he wouldn't dare show it.

A slight flinch of his shoulders might give away his sudden surprise, but he figured the rain might distort things to her as well and this woman should not be able to tell. Seeker kept his fiery gaze on the ocean as he returned the greeting. Hello," he echoed. Turning slowly to face her. She was a pretty little thing and Seeker was intrigued by the dreamy look on her face. "I am Seeker of Truth," he stated. That usually got a rise out of them.


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