Call The Porter, There's Too Much Baggage
WC: 440
=P Firefox automatically spell-checks my crap, thank goodness!

Dripping wet and trembling, Rue nudged the big red almost-horse with her velvety muzzle, trying to crowd next to him for shelter from the rain. Her bay splotches were saturated to black, thin ribs showing in sleek contrast. She had been lucky to find an almost-horse to cling to, even if the stallion-or-other had a big crown of branches betwixt his ears. Her dark soulful eyes peered up at the stag, curiosity replacing her panic. He didn't smell like their herd, from what she could gather. Did he belong to a werewolf who rode him, like some of the other grown-ups?

Then Jacquez Trouillefou stamped through the curtain of drizzle, his dark mane plastered against his noble countenance, teeth bared with annoyance. He was about to bark at his Rue and command her to return to the stables, when suddenly an unfamiliar voice piped up beside him. Someone else had been shouting, after all. And what an odd pair of someones it turned out to be! Rue was clinging to the side of the biggest deer Jacquez had ever encountered - was it a red elk? The ungulate was edging closer to a wolf, the female who had just apologized. She looked to be just as soaked as Jac, but rather worse for wear, judging by all of the scars crisscrossing her rangy frame. The rainwater gleamed on the exposed skin, making her look like a patchwork animal, bowing her head out of automatic deference to his dominant size. Was that deer her pet? It did not seem frightened by her in the least...

"I appreciate the formality, mademoiselle," he drawled, stepping closer to get a better look. He leaned forward, obsidian eyes peering boldly at the strange wolf's face. It looked like she was smiling, the way her lips pulled back from her teeth... "Although, I am merely a king. 'Your Highness' would be an acceptable title." His wicked smile flashed, single arm cocked jauntily at his hip. Faster than the changing tides of the ocean, his foul mood had swung into something pleasant and even mischievous. His spoilt little horse had actually led him to a girl - how commendable. "What... is that creature? Why, she is a baby horse, a mustang - herds of them live in these forests. Some of my loyal subjects raise them. They are not unlike deer, although somewhat tougher to chew..." He shrugged, neglecting to mention that the werewolves typically did not hunt horses, and he was the only one in his pack to have tried eating one. It wasn't like anyone would stop him. The mad king did what he wanted.


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