fool's gold

     They reached their destination in a little over the estimated time, given that the rain slowed Gabriel slightly. Soon, though, the building loomed through the rain. It was somewhat intimating, especially given that it was out in the middle of the forest. Covered in vine just beginning to brown, and now mostly colorless from the years of weather wear and tear, it was a skeleton of a giant. A giant with black eyes, it seemed, since no one was home. Halo, was far as Gabriel knew, was the only one that occupied the place currently. She always seemed to find a way to keep herself busy, though, so this did not surprise the Aquila.

     With muddy paws and damp fur he quickly made his way up onto the covered porch, where a good shake was given in order to help dry his coat. The rain had picked up in speed and intensity, and now was coming down in a torrential downpour. Sighing at the sight, the charcoal-brushed male focused his attention back on Hezekiah. It was only then, as he noticed the healing wound on his side that he remembered exactly who the boy was. “Your side’s gotten better,” he commented. “Anyone help you with that?”


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