Dancing in the evening light
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Svara watched the female with a condensending glance. There was nothing in herself that believed her better then the other girl. More then anything she was less then the other she wolf. The scars, the red, the fury and the anger. It was all something to hide behind, all the strength she possessed came with a down fall of not knowing how to let up when she didn't have the strength. Yellow eyes gazed at her with little amusment, but she was willing to see where this took her. A part of her wanted to see if Leroy was good for the she wolf, or had she really destroyed what little heart the male could have in his life?

Shrugging at her question Svara crossed her arms over her chest. "I don't play games, only find out what's going on." It was easy enough to say that, because it was true. The red she wolf could careless about their personal drama. It was noticed when Ayita stepped closer, the she wolf flowing in all her light caring grace. It was something Svara didn't expell when she walked, she was the opposite of this girl. "I came back because I needed to." That was all she was going to tell her. Anything other then that the she wolf wouldn't understand or didn't need to know.


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