one broken cog to ravage the machine.
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» -likes that quote in your table.- what's it from? o:

      Anselm reckoned it was about time to meet up with the newest recruits; of their newest eight, he'd only been acquainted with two. Despite their rough, unorthodox meeting, he actually liked Hezekiah a fair deal. He only hoped the rest of them were as level headed as the tawny boy--he didn't worry about his "step-cousin" Razekiel, either. The dark hippie seemed far more likely to dope the leaders of other packs than to attack them, which presumably meant less drama for Inferni.

      That left about half a dozen that he had no clue about... though odds were they couldn't possibly be worse than Hybrid. "Anything particularly notable?" he wondered; even now, he had a rough time forsaking business for the sake of his personal problems. He wouldn't mind having a run-down on faces, names, and general first impressions from the Centurion--perhaps as Caelum he'd do better to just keep on top of things himself, though he hoped his friend wouldn't mind tossing him a bone as he tried to pick up the slack that had grown and metamorphosed into something borderline unmanageable.

      He couldn't retreat from his problems forever, though; in a way, she was helping him to confront them rather than just brush them off for "later" like he usually did. "Well... I don't know. Ryan left a note at the Mansion. Said something about needing to follow her heart. Maybe she ran off to be with that boy from Phoenix Valley.. I heard their relationship was causing all sorts of headaches," he said, red eyes catching her yellow in question for a moment before glancing back away, off to the side. "I can only assume Valkyrie left to find her mother."
      A long sigh. "I can't help but think if I'd been here for her earlier, she wouldn't be gone now. I guess I was waiting for Valkyrie to seek me out, too, but instead she left... not surprising since she barely knew me." His voice, usually a rumbling monotone, had grown softer, weaker. His eyes glistened a bit in the fading light, though no tears fell. "I don't know. You... Gabriel... you guys make it look so easy and natural, but I'm puttering around without a fucking clue and by the time I get one, it's always too late."
      And there it was. A soft, pleading whine rose and died in his throat--it was quite clear he was very down on himself, and pretty much anything she could offer he was willing to take to heart so he could try to turn things around. He knew nothing about parenting, obviously, but he did know that his current frame of mind sucked. Truth be told, it was the first time he'd ever felt like he lost someone he cared about--he was just too thick to notice or realise it was supposed to feel that way.

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