spend all my time amongst the animals
Oh, pretty table!
And this was where familiarity washed back to him a little bit; their ranks were nothing more than roles. He had never known any different, although every system had it's bottom rungs and those were of course, what he also knew the best. The creatures who were either jacks of all trades or had no skills and no means of getting better at any of them. The young, the old, the sick, whatever; that was where they always ended up. And then there was those who had more or less the pride that they prided themselves on, the skill that gave them a place within their home. They were the suppliers, the gatherers, the hunters, he knew them all too well. As it were, it seemed like Inferni had plenty of pieces and parts rather than an entire whole and somewhere in the middle of that, he understood that something had happened to make it all change.

But all that Kaena listed appealed to him one way or another, from the skills that he already had a natural inclination for to the ones that more or less came second nature to them. He smiled loosely when she nudged him, thinking briefly about what the exact duty entailed for the Imaginifier — no doubt in his mind it had something to do with a few of the decorative skulls at the border — but there was the more pressing issue of Inferni having come over the mountain that loomed through the cool haze to their north. “I suppose it couldn't hurt me to learn a little bit of everything,” he thought aloud for a moment, “but if the wolves are as much of a problem as they seem to be, it might be a good idea for me to learn to defend myself better.”

It had been stressed to him over and over that sometimes, those wolves managed to make it pretty far into Inferni. The last thing Hezekiah wanted was to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. He had been especially good at staying close to the heart of the territory, where the chances of invasion seemed to be pretty slim, but today had been the exception. He supposed that today was just like the day he had been dealt the bad hand that had thrust him to this particular region, only instead of waking up somewhere he didn't recognise, he realised he could just not wake up at all. Letting a brief pause fall between them, Hezekiah drew his eyes to the northern horizon, choosing then to query about where Inferni had come from.

“So it was those mountains, over there, that you all came over? Why?”

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