Won't you (get on your knees) have faith
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When she looked at him he gave her an innocent smile. So innocent in fact it reminded her of a pup. She supposed that despite his rather startling appearance, that there was no malice in this wolf. It did a good job of easing her hesitance, but she still knew that trouble could come from it. There could be many problems of a full-grown wolf behaving as a pup and being as naive. Still though, could they really turn him away? Savina heaved a sigh. She really did not need someone who would need such attention, but she couldn't feel alright if she told him to go elsewhere. Her conscience wouldn't let her forget.

Almost as soon as Anu spoke the newcomer enthusiastically nodded his head it seemed that was indeed the case. He gesticulated some but the Commander couldn't understand what it meant. Had she been more adapt at reading perhaps she would have caught it, but it was still such a new skill to her that she couldn't make heads or tails of someone spelling out anything in the air. Her Lt. General shed light on his apparent name though, thankfully. "Hoosk? I am Savina." She took care to make sure each word was spoken slowly so that he would understand.

The fey looked at Anu and nodded your head. She didn't know if they were equipt for such a thing, but she guessed that they would find out. "I guess we'll give him one." She turned back to face the male. "This is Crimson Dreams. You can stay here. You are a Basic Officer. We are your leaders." Her face stayed neutral, not able to muster even the smallest of smiles. Now that this was settled she just wanted to head back into her seclusion. She didn't have the energy to stick around.


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