scavenge what you will [p]

Soooo sorry for the wait, dear ninja friend! D= 500+ words.

#####Nodding silently, he finally turned away from the scrap metal completely, grateful for the distraction from his scavenging. He sat cross-legged now, rather than crouching in the manner he had been doing before, and it was far more comfortable, despite the strange feeling of the floor of the room. Despite the fact that he now lived in an old human house, it was still very strange to feel something other than earth beneath his feet. His house had dark wooden floors, but this floor was different, a solid gray material that was cool to the touch. If he had known the name, he would have associated it with the word "cement," but he had never heard the word before. Humans were so strange, just as their contraptions and places were incredibly different for him to see. He could understand why Finn might seem put off by the remains of the old human society, just as he had been.

#####Jacquez would surely never turn her away, especially if she were offering such services. When he had arrived, the mutt had not given many details about what he could do, only that he was searching for somewhere to begin a normal life. The King had been more than accepting of him, so surely he would be glad to take Finn under his wing. "I'm certain that Jacquez would love to have you in the pack, particularly if you have such skills. Paws are just as good as hands, depending on what they are being used for. Some choose to use only their shifted form, in the case of the King, but most flit between forms. I frequent both," he added, personalizing the situation in regards to those who chose to use both forms interchangably. Recently, he had been using his shifted form more often due to its handiness, though he still preferred to sleep in his more natural dog form.

#####Family was a delicate subject for him, so Vigilante did not particularly feel interested in discussing further into the idea. Both had come from less-than-amazing families, but it seemed as though neither wanted to divulge more information. This was something he could easily appreciate; secrets were not the best things in the world, but they were necessary in some cases. Instead, he chose to focus on her comment regarding her beauty. He spent a moment studying her quietly, giving her time to speak if she chose. She had a great number of scars, as well as a missing ear, but he did not find that to be unattractive - merely the appearance of someone who lived their life without regards for the superficial. It may not have been what she thought of herself, but he thought it fitting. "On the contrary," he countered with a smile, tongue lolling as it always did when he smiled so widely, "I find you very beautiful, in an intriguing way." He hoped it would not offend her (though he could not see how it possibly could), but what he said was genuine, regardless of whether she happened to choose to believe a perfect stranger or not.


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