Can't Kill What's Already Dead
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Svara gave a bored glance to the dark she wolf. Her yellow orbs didn't even have a spark of interest in them. Her old self would have loved the chance to cause trouble, to irritate someone so willingly to talk to her. She didn't really have an appaettiet for trouble. The metalic taste of Firefly's blood was still on her tounge, with it also came the bitter taste of guilt. She had had no right to hurt the women. Growling it took all her will to stay where she was and not leave the twit behind.

It was humerous to watch the girl grasp for some form of conversation between them. Why did she want to talk to her anyways? Svara did everything in her power to make her outward apperance intimidating. The "fuck you" look was good for keeping people away. When the dark girl finally presented a question Svara couldn't help but snort. Was she really asking such a juvinille question? "I thought I was to pretty." She said with dry sarcasm. Why the hell was she still standing here?


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