my lullaby, hung out to dry


     She hadn't expected anyone to come by the beach, few often did. Perhaps that is why she had come here to escape. To try and find solace in the one entity that would always be. Always changing and yet unchanging. The tide the one thing in the world that was ever constant. Savina had hoped to draw some strength from it, to try and gain some of that calm. Perhaps she had, but it was not a peaceful calm. Standing in the surf, buffeted by the waves she was in a trance. Just as lost in her head and her heart as she was in the water. There was no emotion upon her features, nothing was given aside from the feeling that something was broken. Something wasn't as it should be. The sea continued to tug at her, calling her into its open and welcoming arms. She was of the sea, and to the sea she would return. Had that time already come?

     Anu began to move towards her, battling the water instead of being embraced by it. The Commander watched her with that same empty face, unable to go forward or back. What was Anu doing? Why come out here with her? Did she think she was going to walk out into the ocean? But weren't you? an airy voice in her head called. Her thoughts swept her up again and her eyes became unfocused, no longer seeing her friend or anything else. She remained that way, a statue standing in the surf until she felt that warm touch. Optics shocked back into focus and her skin shivered at the unexpected contact. Something like confusion flashed across her face as she looked to Anu. What was happening? Why was her friend so anxious?

     The crashing waves echoed inside her skull and she looked around, seeing the dark water surrounding them both. Anu tugged at her with more strength than the waves. Images filtered behind her eyes. Kansas. Her children. Suddenly she gasped as if she had been deprived of that life-giving air. Without actually making eye contact with the Lt. General she nodded her head slowly and began to walk back up towards the shore. As she reached the sand the salt water clung to her and chilled her in the cool wind. Savina sunk to her belly and curled her wet tail around her a soft sob shaking her. Her mind was torn in every direction and she could not, for the moment, form words. All she could do was lay there, shivering on the sand.


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