golden suns that never set
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I'm sorry for the wait, Shannon. 300+

        He was slowly starting to investigate more of the neutral territories. Getting to know the lands and discovering the different pack locations as he went on. Sadly it seemed the world was dying. Yet there were still lovely colours all around. He thought it suited his fur nicely. It was nice spending time alone doing this. Gave him room to think about many things. He wondered where Catalyst was in the world. He wondered if he would ever be enough for Alexey. He was grown up now, wasn’t he? It felt like it. He was not sure if he had ever fully felt like a child, but it was odd to know that those days had passed and he was stepping into the adult world. Would Alexey ever see him as anything but a child that she brought up? She had made his life worth living. He was certain that it was only because of her that he had managed to become that person that he was the day today. His parents had left him, but she had remained. He loved her for that. He knew he was too young to be able to know love, but despite this he was fairly certain of what he felt.

Then suddenly he caught a scent that drifted along with the gentle breeze. His fur bristled and discomfort caught hold of his heart. Despite this he started to trace that scent. A scent that should have been associated with warmth, love, comfort.. so many associations that were not there. She was sitting along some remaining flowers, some that had not yet decided that it was time to die and let the cold season take over. He hesitated, looking down on his own fur to gaze at the warm hue of cinnamon that they both shared. Was it too late to slip away and run? Emotions were battling inside him. She had hurt him when she had left. She had never come back to see him. She had never cared, none of his parents had. Slowly, the young male started to step backwards, slowly because he was afraid she would spot him if he moved too much at once.


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