like the tides of my life

500+ words.

#####The anger in the grayscale male's voice took her by surprise, and Princess stared at him for a moment incredulously. Her brother was being absolutely ridiculous! First of all, Ares had gone into her room without permission, and had gone through her belongings without her permission, as well. In her growing anger, she tuned out anything he had to say about her age and potentially becoming a mother, focusing on the anger building beneath her skin at what he had to say about Haven. From her view point, her brother had absolutely no right to any parts of her life, especially what she chose to do with males and alcohol. Princess could take care of herself, and had basically been doing it for a while, after being separated from him for so long. Even under Tokyo's care, she was often left to her own devices.

#####Golden eyes settled on her brother, the frustration and anger obvious in the glare. "He does have a big sword, and I asked about it first," she huffed, ignoring the innuendo. It was true, in both regards. She had not seen his actual sword, but she trusted that he had one, because he was a knight, and they always had swords. It was becoming very obvious to her that her brother did not know much about anything at all. Just because she did not know Haven prior to their encounter did not mean that he was a bad guy. She couldn't claim to love him, per se, because it had only been one night. However, the infatuation was still there, and she hoped that she would be able to see him again sometime soon. Though it might not be love, there was something between them, and Princess wanted to see what it was like when they were sober to have one another, even in a different way.

#####Exhaling, she tried to keep her tone level, so as to not draw attention to her room from anyone possibly walking by out in the hallway. The door was shut, but she knew that her voice could be very loud when she was angry, especially considering how angry she was at the moment. "What's it to you if I have sex, whether I just met them or not? It's my choice! And I didn't come here to have you try and run my life, brother, because if I wanted someone to run my life for me, I could have just stayed with her," she growled, referring to Tokyo. Living in Dahlia de Mai had not netted her much attention from her mother, but she had still been given rules and instructions and she surely would have been told how to live her life, provided she had stayed in the pack long enough for her mother to try that. It had been coming close to that time, she was sure, since her mother had tried to have a "sex talk" with her just prior to her leaving. That talk would have only been the beginning, and of that, Princess was absolutely more than certain. She didn't want someone to dictate her life - not her mother, and certainly not her brother, but only her. Princess.


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