it's only teenage wasteland
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500+ ^___^ End at yours?

#####The fact that he was willing to keep her secrets made her happy, though it was hard to show it, considering the gravity with which she regarded her past with her mother. It had not been a threat, but was only meant as a warning. Her mother, upon finding her in Dahlia de Mai, had made her promise not to tell anyone about what had happened in the past. Not only had she been telling people bits and pieces, she was now going to tell Haven every detail she could think of to say while speaking. Whether she was telling him because she wanted him to know everything, or because she needed to tell someone everything and she trusted that he would not tell anyone, she did not know. It was very likely a combination of both, because she did hope she could trust him enough to keep them to himself, and she felt that he deserved to know anything about her that she was willing to share. At that moment, she was willing to share everything with the orange boy.

#####His hands on her shoulders reassured her some, and she leaned into him a bit, pressing one side against his leg. It was a touch coming from the need for comfort, but he was already giving her what she needed. It was nice that he could do that without needing to be prompted; he certainly was the knight he had claimed to be, in her eyes. Knowing that he had the same fear was also comforting, but she felt guilty then for everything she had felt about her past being so terrible. In perspective, her mother had been raped and was technically a murderer, and Haven's father had raped his mother and was a murderer, so there was really no need for her to feel as though his situation was worse and that she did not deserve to be angry and spiteful about her past. It was something they were both allowed to do and feel, but it was hard to think that she could have the same right as he did.

#####Finally lifting her head to look up at him, she sighed, shaking her head slightly. "I know you won't be like him, Haven. You're too nice, and too good to be like that." The words were spoken deliberately, as she knew them to be true, whether he did or not. It was just the same as she was afraid to become like her mother, but hoped it would never be like that. Unfortunately, it seemed that she did not have as much confidence as he did, when it came to her future and her mother's shadow hanging over her. She leaned against him with more solid contact this time, appreciating the feel of his leg against her cheek. "Thank you," she murmered, smiling at him timidly. It was a thank you for coming to see her, for the night they had shared, and for listening to her and understanding how she felt; whether or not he associated it with those things did not really matter, she supposed. Just as long as he heard her and knew that she meant it.


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