Sorry for the horrendous wait! :\

An eyebrow rose at the male’s response. It sounded slightly sarcastic, which was not a good thing to be on the borders. Moon shrugged it off though, because Storm needed new members and if this male had any great talents he would overlook this misdeed. “Of course not,” he allowed, his hackles rising only slightly to remind the male who was the higher ranked wolf here. Moon wasn’t a violent wolf by any means, but he would defend his family, friends, and pack before letting anyone through the borders that meant them harm. “Ajax is a good name; strong. I’m Moon Phoenix.”

It took him a moment to remember exactly how this was supposed to go. He had never been accepted into a pack before, being very young when he was first found, and he made it his purpose to know every wolf that walked through his father’s lands. He wouldn’t use his relation to the alpha to his advantage, though, because he was above that. He would use his own strength and knowledge to get him through his one, and he would be proud of himself for it. “Where have you come from, Ajax?” he asked softly, looking into the yellow eyes of the wolf sitting on the other side of the border. Moon wasn’t used to being an interrogator, but he would try today, and hopefully he would do well.


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