what lies beneath

The Chill of the rain was almost unnoticed to the husky male, almost anyway, the thick patterned coat still kept Leroy’s body warm while the outer layers stuck together from the rain. Licking his lips Leroy enjoyed the warm sweet taste of the seal’s blood, the faint pink dashed on his coat took nothing away from his handsome appearance. A small clap of lighting was far off but he paid no mind, his ears twisted with his skull at the loud sound of a familiar voice. Looking up over his shoulder Leroy noticed the red form that released the voice, Svara, sooner or later he was bond to see her again. He might have moved the seal back to leveled ground, up off the cliff rocks and beach but it seems Svara went up higher on the cliff.

Red eyes looked at his ex-mate, letting the words travel to him over the distance the land put between them. “Till one of the does I’m not worried.” Speaking up his deep honey voice echoed back to Svara. Why she bothered to talk to him anyway was over his head, it was clear they both understood where eachother stood. Turning back to the seal his red eyes watched it's form, its tired cries of pain filling his black ears weakly as its scent filled his lungs. " no you dont.." Hic voice only spoken to the seal, grabbing ahold of its thick plump tail it gave a pop of flesh under his clawed hands. Pulling back with an annoyed growl the patterned male's legs, arms, and back tensed as he pulled it futher into the grass and away from freedom.

"What are you looking for uo there, Lighting?!" Shouting back his red eyes looked up at her form, rain hitting his face as they fell from the dark sky. 'maybe' Licking his claws Leroy's hunger as only teased, not yet satisfied by the meat before him. Closing in the husky moved with smooth, sharp movements like a surpent. Stabing his maw into the open wounds, pushing further inside before shaking his head. The meat gave a sweet sound as the meat ripped off the body, chewing the mouthful of oilly, fat, and sweet chunk of meat. The blood warmed his face and throat as the meat heated his gut.


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