Can't Kill What's Already Dead
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Svara was starting to enjoy the exchange between her and the other wolf. The dark she wolf seemed to want to talk to her, but Svara had still not figured out why. Moving around the female more so her hot breath was in the girls ear she couldn't help but grin at the response she got to her question. "You don't want to touch my scars?" Svara asked as her husky voice trailed over Finns ear. She was enjoying this game, a mild form of torture or just embarrassment.

Pulling back she passed her making sure her docked tail skimmed the girls shoulder as she did. Sitting down with her back to the girl she shrugged. "Stories, mistakes, sexual encounters. They are what ever the person looking at them wants." Svara said all to willingly. This girl wouldn't understand that more then half of the scars were from some male trying to dominate her. Her largest scar had almost killed her, but like every other time she had survived. Wasn't the world just peachy.

She wanted to see the girl twitch. Svara wanted to push her farther and play even more. Turning around the red she wolf moved up close again. "This scar the large one on my chest, I got it while three males took me. One would thrust while the other ripped me open." Svara let a grin rest on her lips. "You still not turned on?" Now a full blown sadistic smile was on Svara's face. She was enjoying this more then she had expected.


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