
pretty pink Onus-table to match pretty purple Conor-table :3

     The vigilante's feet were carrying him back towards the lands of Dahlia. Back to his family. He had adapted to that thought better than he thought he would. Family. He had never really had a family. His mother had never really loved him, even before she had decided to try and kill her only son. The pup had thought she had, but looking back he knew that there had never been any love in that woman's heart. Maybe before he had opened his eyes. The moment he had though anything even resembling love had vanished. Now he had his own family. Onus had found love with Cwmfen. Even then he hadn't expected lives to come from their love. They had though. Two small lives that were so unique, an almost perfect blend of the two parents. They were not like other pups and he sometimes wondered if that were a bad thing. The twins seemed content though, and he supposed that that was enough.

     Water began to fall from the sky once more and the coyote was glad of his hat and trench coat. They kept him dry for the most part no matter how hard the rain poured. He was glad it was dark and raining though, that meant the chances of him running into another Dahlian were slim. The coyote had yet to be found by another belonging to this pack and he wanted to keep it that way. If none saw him that none could go run their mouths to their bastard of a second-in-command. He wanted to keep Haku in the dark about his presence as much as he possibly could.

     The clothed shadow passed into the territory and through the trees, making a beeline for the oak tree where Cwmfen and the pups would be. The rain masked the scent of the youth and so Onus' nose did not detect his presence. He was also foolishly assuming that no one would be around. The boy was off to his right, but not very far, and he was in the open.


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