scavenge what you will [p]

My poor house, it is shamed! D= And yay, friends! ^^ We'll need to have another thread with them all updated and stuff, now that she's in CdM and can shift. :o 500+ words.

#####So it had been as he expected, though that did not mean it was necessarily a good thing. Vigilante was thankful for the ability to shift, and he could not imagine what it would be like to not have the option. He supposed that it would not seem strange, if he had never been able to shift. "There are ways to gain the ability, if it were something you were interested in. However, there are plenty who cannot shift, and they get along just fine." As he had just met Finn, he did not know if shifting was something she was actually interested in being able to do. The explanation was also not necessarily an offer, as he had never made anyone into something like him, and he did not know the actual process. Of course, he knew the ways everyone knew--the exchange of bodily fluids or sharing an intimate moment--but he was not comfortable with performing it himself on someone he did not know well.

#####Pleased that he could surprise her and make her smile as she was now, Vigilante said warmly, "You are welcome. It is very true." And indeed, Vigilante believed it to be completely true. She obviously had a history, with her mention of her family and the many scars, and histories were interesting. Beautiful, in fact. Though some considered scars to be flaws upon the skin, he rather enjoyed looking at them and then knowing what they represented. Rarely had he ever found someone with scars without a story to tell. However, even without the scars, the dog knew that she would be a very beautiful wolf. The scars accented the natural beauty she had been given, most certainly.

#####Truthfully, he had not thought very much on the subject of what he would eventually be capable of making, though it was an intriguing idea. It would not be hard to make the shape of the blade, surely, but sharpening it would have to be done efficiently, and then determinely whether it was able to be used properly. It was an idea, and one he could very well explore later on, beginning with making small daggers and such. The one he had brought with him from home could be used to model anything he made after, and then he could work from there and create swords. "I had not thought of that yet, but I'm sure I could. Perhaps if I do, I could show them to you sometime," he suggested. He did hope that he would see her again, and intended to find her again later, even if she did not join Cour des Miracles, though he hoped she would.

#####He appreciated that she did not ask further about his pack, since it was not a subject he enjoyed speaking of. "My pack was rather large, some forty or fifty individuals. Most of us were dogs, like myself. It's located near Alaska, but it's in western Canada," he added, hoping that would be enough information to give her an idea of where he came from. "What about you, Finn? I have not explored much of the world; I have only been to the areas surrounding my old pack, and then the travel here." He did wish that he had more experience with different locations of the world, but unfortunately, he did not.


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