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Sorry for the wait. Minor GM, hope it's okay? And in my next post, he can carry her inside or whatever, I'll be on aim, and he'll call for Leroy. 500+ words.

#####It had been a few weeks since Ayita had visited him, and Vigilante felt terrible about not having gone to see her yet since their talk. Hopefully, he had been able to give her a bit of reassurance about the situation, and she was doing well. The pups would be here soon, and she could not afford to be so worried anymore. Though he was nervous that she may still be as upset as before, Vigilante was confident that she would make a wonderful mother. Even through times of trouble, people could surprise themselves, and he was more than certain that she would do so with her litter. He would always be there for her, and the mutt needed to make sure she knew that, especially in her time of potential need. As a result, he found himself making long strides in the direction of the house she shared with Leroy.

#####The actual date that she was due to give birth was unknown to him, but he was certain it would be soon, unless it had happened during the past few days. In that case, however, he hoped that she would have found a way to get the news to him, considering their friendship. It was the want to see her and be there for her that had caused him to begin his walk, but as he approached, something else caused him to move more quickly. The house was still out of sight, but the smell was very much obvious to him. He had been there for the birth of his nieces and nephews, one of the only two allowed by his sister to be there. Even if he had not been, however, it seemed that this smell was one that would be easily distinguished. Evidently, he had been right about knowing she would be giving birth soon, but he had not realized he would be this accurate in his guesswork.

#####"Ayita," he called, moving to her side quickly once she was in his line of vision. The inevitable was happening, of course, and he was very glad that he could be there for her. Placing one hand on her arm, Vigilante smiled at her reassuringly, keeping his touch relaxed. It would not do to have her panic or something similar nolw, not with the birth so close. "I'm here for you. We need to get you inside, okay? If it is alright with you, dear, I'm going to pick you up and carry you into the house. Would you like me to put you on the bed? I'm sure that would be far more comfortable than anything else, and we can put some of the towels underneath you, if you are worried about any potential mess. Is Leroy home? I will call for him if not, and I will stay with you as well. I helped my sister through her birth, and I can help you, too." He knew that he had spoken a great deal, but he needed to make sure that she was comfortable with his presence and that she knew he was going to be able to help her.


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