so take care of your freedom.
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    As Rurik waited, his mind drifted quite a bit, thinking of his children. Since arriving, they'd branched out some, though they generally slept the same hours and rose the same hours. Silas and Lily were adults now, and they could do as they pleased. Rurik had long ago relinquished his hyper-protectiveness of them. They had turned out alright, it seemed, and the Russian was quite pleased to have such a stable relationship with this batch of children, though he certainly still thought of the older ones. They were why he'd come all the damn way over here again, anyway—beyond them, what attachment had he here?

    Syemv was long gone, and its members had scattered to the wind just as it had. The ship was gone, sunken off the burned coasts somewhere. Kiska was longer gone than the rest of them, disappeared to some far-away corner of the globe. The Russian wolf sighed rather heavily as he thought of these things, growing a little depressed as he waited on these pack borders, though after a few minutes the unmistakable sounds of a light, comfortable approach reached his ears. He lifted his coal-dipped ears, perking them up and watching a young wolf bounce and frolic toward him, completely unaware of his presence. The Russian watched for a moment, mesmerized by her energy. He was not particularly fond of any children but his own, but he had grown more accustomed to them since raising Lily, Ant, and Silas.

    When she drew quite near, she noticed him and froze, shrinking and becoming a rather frightened-looking creature in an instant. "Aww, no fear, little one," he said softly, holding up his big paws in a gesture of peace. "I'm Rurik Russo," he said, introducing himself cautiously, waiting for the youth to lose her tension before continuing any. He remained rather still, refraining from sudden movements to scare her further and keeping his friendly smile right on his muzzle. He hoped she wouldn't go running off telling someone there was a scary pirate at the door; he sure didn't need a whole pack of angry wolves chasing him back to the Halifax.


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