With my teeth locked down I can see the blood
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Dusk had settled over the lands and Haven was taking a slow, leisurely walk home. He wondered if Locke would be in the house. He hoped the man was doing alright. Haven tried his best to keep an eye on him and make sure that he was as comfortable as could be expected and settling in alright. The Knight wasn't stupid enough to think that the recovery process for the new member would be swift. No, it would be slow and probably arduous. The man had lost his mate and newborn pups. That wasn't something someone bounced back from. It had put his own problems and life in perspective though. No, things weren't perfect but they could be so much worse. He still had his adopted mother and sisters. He had Princess and whatever was developing between the two of them. He had the pack and he had his station. All in all, Haven was pretty lucky. It had taken seeing true loss to pound that into his head.

Hands were tucked into the pockets of his jacket as he walked through the woods, idly kicked a stone or twig out of his path. It was a very peaceful night though the fall chill was in the air. Winter was not something the Aatte was looking forward to. He worried about Drogon and the others horses. How would they fair in the colder months? In the back of his mind he knew that they must have survived on their own in such conditions but that didn't stop him for trying to think of ways to make sure they were provided for. Canines had their thick coats to keep them warm, horses were not so well equipped. He would have to make a trip to Halifax to look for some large blankets to help keep them comfortable. The last thing he wanted was for any of them to get sick or die from the cold.

Charcoal nose twitched as a scent came to him. Two scents really, but so closely mingled that a red flag popped up in his mind. It was Heath, but he reeked of alcohol. Haven couldn't even see his friend but he could smell the booze that clung to him clear as day. "Oh great..." he mumbled to himself. This probably wasn't good. To his knowledge his older friend hadn't partaken of the firewater since joining the pack and so that meant something must have triggered him into it. Jade eyes searched around as he walked, trying to locate the dusky hybrid. Then there he was, stumbling badly from tree to tree. Gods... "Heath! What's going on?" Haven projected his voice so that it would reach Heath long before he did.


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