I should have given you a reason to stay
Word Count: 357



However nonexistent their relationship, they were still relatives, and so in Mew's eyes inextricably bound together whether they wished to be or not. The weight around her stomach was just another set of leaves in the crown of their family tree, but Conor was not far away from her own children in age. Perhaps it was Conor and Emwe that would be their mentors, with Lubomir gone and Haku... Well she hadn't heard much from Haku lately, so she figured he liked his solitude. Nevertheless, Conor and his brother were closer to her litter in age. She hoped they would get along, when the time came. Shaking away the image of her not being there to make sure, she bent her neck to better see what her nephew was showing her.


Ah, so he wasn't in fact reading a work of any sort. Sitting down now, Mew smiled; this was something she could help with. Their awkward situation was helped along with a purpose, and Mew's maw opened to confirm his assumptions. "Yeah, you're right." The little red fox she had seen with Alexey darted away in the midst of her entrance, and Mew's eyes lifted to its form as it disappeared, smiling softly. "He's a shy one, isn't he? Alexey brought him to piano practice once." It was unknown to her whether Conor knew of Alexey's doings outside of staying with them, but she would test it anyhow.


The young male's discouraged mumble did not go unnoticed, and now Mew smiled again. "I can help you if you want. I learned to read these things a couple of years ago, when I was traveling in the south." A time of her life she rarely spoke to anyone about. But, Conor was so young, and seemingly shy —or at least preferring solitude to a crowd. She'd not seen him since the last pack meeting, when Firefly had made a scene (again). Her green gaze studied his young face as she waited for him to consider her offer, taking notice of the violet eyes. A strange color, but in the face of a strange boy. It fit him.


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