save a dream for me

OOC: ::Word Count:: 600+

It was clear that the Savant was using the small silences to adjust to the turns things had taken. Until now, the pearl femme had not realized how this sudden rift between Naniko and her former pack mates must sound to anyone else who might have been close to Naniko. Obviously, the alabaster Crimson Dreamer had taken the piece of information, when it had arrived, with little doubt or questioning. The fact that she had been absent for the most part had kept her from interfering with a personal opinion, had stopped her from approaching Savina or anyone else and trying to convince them to let go and forgive their friend. The most she had ever contributed had been her conversation with Ehno, and that alone could not count for much. Now, registering the mute acceptance from Geneva, she found the entire situation between Naniko and her former friends unsettling-- yet the fact that she had not been present when the shortcomings of Naniko's mistake had torn them apart indeed acted as an obstacle in her desire to alter the current situation. As it stood, however, the same silence that had signaled the Savant's acknowledgement became her own recognition of the same disappointing truth they were now facing.

The news that the pups were well eased the growing tension the blanched Crimson Dreamer had felt in her bones. It was a relief to know that Naniko had safely delivered her litter, that she had a healthy four pups she could be proud of later on. The fact that Ehno had been present brought a smile to the ivory female's features. She remembered very well how distraught he had felt, facing so many tormenting decisions, but it seemed that for the moment he was content to live with the present situation, despite the fact that it brought a sense of alienation with it. Urma nodded once, to indicate that she agreed with the Phoenix Valley leader's words, before saying, "Thank you. That is a kind gesture to do; opening your borders for so many, for Naniko still has friends she can rely on, I'm sure, is indeed a noble, heartfelt thing. There is little I can say on the pups before I actually see them with my own eyes, but may this new litter bring many joys to both its parents, as well to the pack that will be their welcoming home."She had always viewed young ones as the pride of a pack-- maybe because of the circumstances regarding litters that she had grown up with in her own pack back in Greenland. And, in probably a very selfish manner, she was glad Phoenix Valley would be their home-- after all that Naniko had done for Crimson Dreams, and after her subsequent exile, the least she deserved was a home for her pups who, after all, bore none of their mother's mistakes upon them but were, nonetheless, taking the same blame.

The Savant's next question put Urma in a dilemma. She did not know of anything concerning Jazper and Naniko, had been much unaware of her friendships. Her absence from Crimson Dreams yet again put her in a disconcerting situation regarding what answer was expected of her, and the little she could offer in its place. She cleared her throat uncomfortably and began, "Well, as I've said, I've been gone a while... I'm afraid I don't know what the situation between them is. But I am sure that Naniko could tell you better than anyone what her situation is with everyone. I'm sorry I am not much help. I would have probably known more had I not been... forced, so to say, to leave for such a long period of time." She knew that this next silence that threatened to follow would not have anything comforting in it.


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