rescue our friend
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OOC: This probably hasn't got much more, right? Considering it's really old and Naniko's litter has already been delivered and all. Maybe we could have another one at one time when Urma comes to visit the two of them in Phoenix Valley? I could PM you and James about it once this is done, if you'd like. Smile ::Word Count:: 500+

The pale femme registered the change of expression in the grey male, and she could not stop her tail from wagging excitedly. It was good to know that the male Crimson Dreamer had found something in her words to lessen his pain from having to make such excruciatingly unfair choices. The turbid waters of his life seemed momentarily to be clearing, settling almost to a calm, steady motion, like the sea gathering its waves and bringing them slowly and safely to shore, an eternal motion straight from the womb of the planet, the blue expanse of salty liquid as far as the eye could see, the origins of life itself. She hoped that, in time, the rough storms Ehno had had to overcome would turn into small showers of rain, and, in due time, simply into a forlorn memory, like that the sea has after being once more reunited with the warm glow of the sun, after weeks of merciless raindrops pelting into its vast contents. It was reassuring to know that she still had the ability to instill a sense of tranquility within others, despite the turmoil she was presently facing in her own relationships with her inner self. It also did her good to find other problems that would overrule her own ones, so as to force her out of her self-pitying period.

She smiled at his words, nodding encouragingly, not once allowing her hopeful expression to waver, despite the novelty it caused her to experience. Thinking in retrospect, Urma would stand and wonder how come she had even been able to hint towards a positive outcome, with her nowadays unnatural pessimism flowing so effortlessly from her at the worst of times. This, however, was not her current concern. "You have nothing to thank me for. The little that I have tried to do, and the little I have accomplished, I have tried and done only thinking of my friend. And now, of you, who care for her and are an equally worthy of respect wolf." She waited for his subsequent explanations, nodding from time to time, partly to show that she was paying close attention to his words, and partly to show her agreement in what concerned Naniko's decision. "I think it is important for her to feel safe. When I came looking for you, I was selfish about this and thought the only place she could possibly be safe in was here. But now I understand that she knows better-- and had I been in her situation, I would have probably put the welfare of my offsprings before anything else as well. And I could think of little else that would bring me more joy than to see her, once she's properly settled in and the pups have been safely delivered. I expect that around that time I'll be finding you around as well." She said the last sentence with a smile brightening her features, in a way that could only show how much she approved of his fatherly instincts and his will to do anything he could to protect Naniko. Looking at Savina's brother, she could think of fewer wolves Naniko could have had the luck to father her children as well as the grey Marino, and for that she felt genuinely happy.


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