
Firefly had totally forgotten that they were in the packlands and that at any moment their ruckus could and would cause an uproar. She had been too busy trying to teach the younger woman a lesson that when Haven's voice broke through she didn't even realize what was going on, taking one last moment to lunge out at Svara until she noticed that the other woman was concentrating on something else. The fight had not been one of hatred and she wasn't low enough to attack the other woman when obviously everything had come to an end. Slightly confused she backed away from Svara, finally noticing Haven as she shook blood and saliva from her pelt.

Her eyes shifted from the male to Svara as her heckles began to settle down. the words of Svara almost made her smirk until she remembered that they had been at eachother's throats moments before. She narrowed her eyes wondering why the damn brat hadn't just given up the collar before she grumbled. "Leave him be Svara, it's his duty to keep us from killing eachother.." She said the words as though she was bored and everything that had just taken place really didn't matter even though she was still sore at the woman for not giving up the stupid collar.

She noticed as Svara shifted her gaze away from her after speaking to Haven, the Sadira woman not giving away much except one ear twitching as she thought. She flicked those ears back suddenly as Svara moved to leave, grumbling some response before trying to push past Haven. Firefly knew that the girl was probably still thinking as though she ruled the pack but a low growl escaped her lips as she moved to intercept Svara's departure.

Her eyes glared down at the woman as she spoke. "No one said you can leave yet Svara." She knew her rank placed her above Svara, but even more she knew that Haven towered over both of them. Firefly once more regretted leaving the pack but there was little she could do about that now. That didn't mean she would turn a blind eye to Svara's attitude anymore. She was tired of games and she was tired of everyone taking their emotions out on her. Svara had something on her chest and Firefly was through with waiting til it came to a boil.


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