Sexy Results

WC: 400+
Ach! It's okay. Smile Sorry mines a bit late. Hectic weekend Tongue

Finn chuckled, grinning pleasantly. She still hadn’t gotten a handle on the French which many of the pack members here spoke, and Jac may as well have been speaking gibberish, but the words sounded pretty anyways. Finn had never been a dab hand at spoken word. She dealt with English and attempted to play charades with anyone who couldn’t. She couldn’t help but notice the king’s eyes roaming over her body, but Finn did not change her expression, or even bat an eyelash. For someone who was so friendly and open, she could be very good at keeping her hand hidden.

He was appraising her just as he had a couple nights before, and Finn couldn’t help but feel flattered. She had never put much stock in her image, and was often told how base it was by the more pretentious of wolves, but it had never gotten to her. She liked her scars, they were stories carved into her fur, unintelligible to everyone but Finn. Here, where she had fought a confused and rabid bear from the north, and won; there, where she had been challenged by an Alpha’s son and caused a pack war.

There weren’t any fresh ones, though, and that saddened Finn a little. She hoped she wasn’t getting complacent as she aged, she wasn’t even that old! But being in a pack meant enough to her to curb her usual habits. Plus, it was worth sticking around to get to know Jac better. She liked the lands around Cour des Miracles, even if she hated the roiling sea beyond the cliff edges. The forests and fields were filled with small game, and Finn had spent the last couple days eating like a queen. The food and comfortable accommodations had added a happy glint to her eye that had been missing so long she couldn’t remember it leaving.

”Aye, so I have.” She said, tilting her head to the side. ”I’ve heard you’re very good at fighting in this form, hand-to-hand and the like. And, as you can see, I am not. I’d like to remedy that.” Finn swished her tail across the top of the grass still looking Jac in the eye. For a canine, he was very catlike. The way he purred that foreign language, the way he moved, it was all very fluid and controlled. Aristocratic. ”Perhaps you can give me some pointers?” Finn crossed her arms still smiling, her hips canted to the side. A little spar was just what she needed to get the blood pumping. And any chance to touch that gorgeous, soft looking fur should and would be acted upon.


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