
Katie gave me your IM-address, so if you see me on or see my add just go ahead and accept me, and I'll help you with anything you need Smile (if my add didn't work, try adding me: M-bernt [ at ] ).

He listened intently as Revian explained - or attempted to explain. From what Dawali could tell, the male seemed to suffer from memory loss or something, seeing as he could not remember. But his looks were certainly exotic for these lands, and Dawali found trust within himself, for the male. When he mentioned his skill with a bow, Dawali smiled broadly; he'd always found working with bows and arrows to be particularly satisfying. His smile soon disappeared, however, as it was clear to him that the male was struggling with his new-found consciousness in a new-found world. The Kalona would not know how it felt to be in such a situation, but he didn't imagine that it was easy. Sitting in silence for a moment, after Revian's apology rang in the air, Dawali made no comment on anything. This would be the type of situation when his obligations to the old ways sang clearly to him; one should offer a home to those who had one, and give what companionship and trust one had to those who needed it. He hadn't cared much when all these ideologic thoughts and opinions had been fed him as a young male, but now when he sat in the leader's chair he understood much better; with the position he held came a great opportunity to help those who needed help, and that was what he could do right now. He kept his distance, refusing to impose on another male's problems, but instead he spoke. His voice was normal, with a hint of an offer in it. "I see. Well... Revian, you are free to stay among us until you have recovered —and after. If Hanna has come to trust you, then so will I." Even if Hanna was a fresh member, she had proven that her mind was on the same level as his own.


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