The rabbit-hearted girl

HIYA! *waves*

Since talking to Leroy he has felt fine, though the feeling of loss of Svara's death made his harder then ever. Besides those already close and his children he had no want to show much feeling, much joy or happiness but duty. Leroy didn't love Ayita as a mate but he enjoyed her company and though he was rude to Vigi a small part told him to apologize, if he does depends on how big that part is. Patrolling was his duty and now more the ever he willed himself to protect the pack, Leroy's large black and white body moved with smooth powerful strides.

Red eyes watched the area with a dangrousness about them, nose breathing in every scent as his muscled form neared the ranch. This area was usually patrolled by Haven or Vigi but Leroy went this way today, mainly because it was closer to his children. Paws were dirty as the pressed into the wet ground that has been beaten from the recent rains, tracks from the horses riddled the field everywhere. 'ill tempered things' Slowed pace turned away from the first field to the next, curly tail behind him was relaxed as his nose twitched as the wind blew into his face. Patterned body tensed with his fur raising with a low growl curled his maw on his hard face, red eyes narrowed as he stood still watching the field before him as his looked for the intruder. There! The flash of bright colored hair appeared from the trees. Husky's body bolted forward using his muscled legs as he launched himself over the fence, standing tall in his fast past as his loud voice broke out. "YOU! What are you doing ?!"


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