it's off to work we go

Hope you don't mind me throwing a Dante-face in here? :]

Initially, the male had departed from his little run-down apartment in the city in order to do a little scouting and maybe a little hunting. He carried his hunting knife and a length of roped clipped to his belt, a touch of his usual hunting equipment. For a short time, he followed the plan, examining the wilderness for good spots to set up traps and trying to keep a mental note of where the prey seemed to linger. Though after a time, Dante’s mind began to wander. He left his baseball bat at home again. He was beginning to feel a bit uneasy, twitchy almost, without its comfortable weight in his hand or slung across his back. He attempted to shrug off the thought of it and keep his thoughts on track. He seldom got distracted by a rogue thought. He sighed in agitation.

As he spotted something peculiar in the distance, he began to wonder if his scouting would lead him to an interesting discovery. From where he stood, it looked to be some sort of tunnel, though it was certainly not a natural formation. There was clear evidence that humans had once lingered around there, long ago. He hadn’t seen anything like it. A touch of curiosity managed to get the better of him, and he started to shift his course to bring him a little closer to the strange thing. Before he could even get very far, he noticed the scent of another and he froze. It was his luck that he would run into someone while out and about, trying to get his business done. His amethyst gaze drifted around slowly, hoping to spot the other canine and make a quick getaway before they noticed him.

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