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Svara moved forwards ready to leave when Firefly skipped right into her path. The golden she wolf was determined to make nothing but trouble. Svara lifted her nose in anger, the women had no idea what kinda of insult she had thrown at her to begin with and now she wouldn't let her leave. First the collar and now this. Yellow eyes narrowed in anger as she watched the women. Firefly was the closest thing to a mother she had ever had, Sabeen had never been a mother, only a cut throat bitch.

Right now she was mad at her foster mother for what she had done to her, and at herself for taking such anger out on her. "Firefly you need to back off. I'm not in the fucking mood for your bullshit." Svara growled. She had come back for a lot of things, and she wasn't about to let Firefly get in the way of her goals. This was her life and she didn't care what anyone thought, she was going to do it her way.


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