rain,rain, go away
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Whisper lay in Svara's den where all her belongings seem to stare at her speaking of the dead women with their silence. How could the objects speak with their silence? It was impossible, but they were doing it. The bear skin in the corner, where her little night was curled snoring away. The child refused to leave the bear skin, the smell of death was still hard on that coat, it reeked of blood and fear, but also the red she wolf. Did Night remember her mothers scent? That very thought made Whisper look to the entrance of the cave with a solum glance.

How could she have commited suicide? Night, her brother, would have been mortified at the very notion of anyone doing something so stupid, but something told Whisper he might have done the same if Svara had passed away while he lived on. The two had been soul mates, they had both needed each other to survive this cruel version of life. The grey she wolf couldn't take the pain of knowing she was alone now, only her and little sable. It was her nickname of the little girl.

The huge she wolf lurked over to her daughter and nudged her awake, she had slept almost four hours and would need to move around some to exercise her young body. Since she had no siblings it would be all on her shoulders to play with her and give her some interaction. Night opened her blue baby eyes, looking up with no confusion only irritation. It made Whisper grin at how much she was already acting like her mother. Leaning down she licked the pup and pushed her too her little paws. With a grumble the little cub got to her feet and stretched while making a dramatic yawn.

Whisper moved towards the mouth of the cave with Night following behind her, now jumping with happy little pops. The girl always liked to go on adventures, even as young as she was she wasn't confined to her space. The grey she wolf made sure to walk slow so she wouldn't loose her daughter, since Whisper knew she was huge and her steps were equally as massive she made sure she all but crawled so the little one could keep up with her.

It was the smell of a male that made her stop in her tracks. The girl was sure to stop as well, even bare her teeth and start to growl in a most amusing way. Whisper ignored her antics and perked her ears as the male came into site. Holding firewood and standing on two legs he wasn't wolf but a husky. It wasn't as if Whisper had seen anything like him before, his markings seemed genuenly amazing to her. Pale eyes followed the handsome male and before she knew it her paws were moving forward again following him not only with her eyes but her feet. Night followed her mother willingly, weaving in and out of her feet in an attempt to get her attention on her. Of course that was impossible for the massive female.


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