A new form of living

WC: 331
I be even slower! Poor tertiary characters, they don't get out much. :>

lost into the weight of gravity

Her blue eyes were bright with simple happiness, buoyed up by Emwe's attentive enthusiasm. Perhaps she could find him prey today, and they could have a little hunt together! The thought made her bridle with pleasure, and she replied lightly, "Yes, rabbits are timid things, aren't they? Actually, moles are more likely to hear you, or feel you walking towards them." Coli smiled helplessly, realizing that wouldn't be much help if it was the stalking he had trouble with. He would have to learn to spot the little furrows that underground prey left behind, and then wait patiently in that spot...

"When there's snow on the ground, you can hunt all kinds of little things the same way, because mice and voles and such make tunnels in the snow," she added, the thought occurring to her. It was still too warm for snow, but the seasons cooled off quickly in these northern regions. Emwe's boyish clumsiness would probably be gone by the time winter arrived. He could only be a gawky youngster for so long. How did parents put up with it, when their pups grew up so quickly?

Emwe tilted his head, eying her curiously. Coli swallowed guiltily, her ears tipping back further. He wasn't as young and clueless as he used to be, and it wasn't fair to lie to him -- not when she wanted to be recognized by him so badly. Conor had figured it out, after all, and she cared about both of her brothers, despite the scanty time she had been granted to spend with them. She smiled halfheartedly, ducking her head in a shy mannerism. "Inherited from our... dad." It felt bitter to call him that, but as long as she wasn't saying it to his face, he could go on pretending she was dead. She stole a glance at Emwe's innocent face, wondering if he would deny her again. Eventually it would all add up. She just hoped he would still like her.


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