The rabbit-hearted girl
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OOC// HI! X3 Thanks for joining my RP! Would you mind having Leroy forcefully take her back with him somewhere in this thread? I want her to join the pack, after figuring out that it is easier than stealing from them xD

And just as she was about to leap, teeth ready to sink into the young flesh of the calf, ready to take the life from something that was not hers without so much as the blink of an eye, a voice rang out across the rolling land.

" YOU! What are you doing ?!"

As her stomach dropped out from her body, fear swelling such that it clogged in her throat, burned through her airways, Alaine turned to face the call. Behind her, the calf skittered away, the cows lowing in protest of the now blatantly visible intruder. Her brilliant jade eyes saw the man approaching - His fur was dark as midnight, face dipped with ivory, eyes blood-red and filled with indignant anger. She'd been caught. Within moments, the male was near enough that her slim body shivered. Close enough that she could smell the deep, masculine musk of his body, see the way fury had contracted his pupils so that they were lost in the swell of red. And her single thought was for Caillen, her beautiful darling, hidden away in the brush behind her. Please, for the love of GOD, please stay hidden... Stay hidden! Her mental screams to her son seemed to go heeded, because no puff-ball of smoky gray and brilliant tangerine appeared behind her. The auburn-headed feo was most certainly alone, to face this new danger.

" Nothing. I wasn't... I wasn't doing anything."

Her musical voice sounded faint, eyes wide with fear and wariness. But below the surface, lingered the mother bear - If he took any more steps towards the brush where her son was hidden, nothing, but nothing, would stop her from attempting to remove his throat. The beautiful young woman began to retreat as the strange male approached, her lithe body tensing as she noted how far away the cover of thick trees were. She could run, but no doubt, he could run faster. When emerald eyes returned to the man, they were thick with green poison, silently warning him not to approach.

" Listen, I will leave. I won't come back. I didn't know... That there was a pack, here."

She was lying, of course, straight through her teeth. But the young lady, her wounds still fresh and her energy levels still low, had no chance if this turned into a fight.


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