With my teeth locked down I can see the blood
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drunkHeath is verrrrry drunk XD 300+

Heath paused and turned around looking for him. It took him much longer than it should have to locate him. How drunk was he? The two of them had drank together before, but he had never seen the older male in such an inebriated state before. No good could come of this, not at all. Cautiously Haven continued to walk toward his friend and Heath turned to walk toward him as well. Good, it was better that he focus on him and not whatever had been driving him a moment ago. The Knight didn't know what that was, but he knew that the Marshall should not really be doing anything at the moment. Though things were even worse than he realized at the moment. Haven didn't catch on that Heath couldn't even recognize him and so the aggression he was met with was startling.

Ears pressed forward and his brows came together. "Heath, where are you going? What do you think you're doing?" He kept his voice level and calm, hoping to instill in his packmate that there was no need for such hostility. He was just drunk and needed to cool down and sober up. The hybrid had always had a bit of a mean streak but as far as he knew he had really cleaned up his act since joining the pack. The horses had helped to soothe him as well as his budding feelings for Ruri. It wasn't a pair that Haven would have ever put together, but they did seem to be good for one another and he wasn't going to judge. The Knight just hoped that this was a small slip-up and Heath wasn't reverting back to his old quarrelsome ways. That was not what Ruri needed and while Jac let a lot of things slide he knew that the King would not want Heath around Ruri if he started acting like this.


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