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After a moment the two females broke away but Haven knew this wasn't over yet. Firefly was bleeding, bleeding because of Svara and that was not something the Knight was going to let pass. Fighting with your packmates was a bad enough offense, but actually drawing blood made the situation very dire in his mind. It was his job to keep the peace and protect everyone. If Svara had become such a loose cannon as to attack her own packmates and friends then Haven was going to show her that such things were not going to be allowed. Not while he was around. One hand held tightly to his sword. While he didn't mean to use it he wanted her to know that he could. Jades narrowed at her haughty comment. "You're the one with the nerve Serf. And don't call me boy. I am not your subordinate." He had been at one time, but that time had passed.

Her arrogance didn't end there though. She moved around him to walk away. Did she think she was still in charge? Did she think she could just walk away from this? No. A deep growl rumbled in his chest as he moved with Firefly to block her retreat. This matter was far from settled. Haven's eyes were hard as stone as he looked down at the scarred wolf, his mouth a thin, stern frown. "No Svara, Firefly is right. You cannot leave yet. You've drawn her blood and that constitutes a punishment. You forget your place. There are rules that come with being in a pack and if you want to do whatever you want then you can leave. I will not tolerate such behavior here." There was no weakness in his voice or his manner. He was deadly serious about all this and he would not stand idly by while the Thames girl acted in such a way. If she thought he was afraid of her, she was terribly wrong.


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