ignorance is your new best friend
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Okie. No worries <3 We're both busybusy 500+

The words bounced off of her. No, she wasn't going to believe that he loved her. To her this sounded far too much like lust. Ehno knew the consequences of sleeping around. They had been those consequences. Even if that was the case, he should have waited until things were better. Until things had calmed down and wounds had healed. He should have known better. She had, she'd always had. That's why she and Kansas hadn't done anything like that until they were sure they loved one another and were mates. So in case she did get pregnant they would be a family and she wouldn't be alone. She hadn't wanted to end up like her mother. Savina had never imagined her brother could be so careless in matters like this and it was a painful realization to come to. She looked pointedly away from him as he said she was family now. No, not to her. There had been a time where she had wanted that, but that time was long gone now. The woman had nearly killed her child, broken her trust, and hurt her deeper than anybody knew. No, Naniko would never be any family of her's.

Savina said nothing more to him, only kept her gaze away and hugged her knees closer to her chest. He didn't want to hear what else had been done to her. He didn't care. He cared more for that damned woman now than he did for his own sister now it seemed. Silently she began to build a wall up around her wounded heart. Her heart had always been open to him and she had never wanted to keep anything from him, but if this were the way things were going to be then she couldn't keep it that way. Already pain coursed through her at every beat. So she was putting up that wall to protect herself, even though it made her want to cry. The woman had never wanted there to be anything between she and Ehno, but what could she do?

The shaking continued and there was nothing she could do to stop it. Savina had never broken down like this before, but this was more than she could handle. Already there had been so much but it just kept getting worse and worse. She was hoping this was all just some nightmare she would wake up from, but she knew that it wasn't. How could she do this to him? Mutely she nodded her head as he said he needed to be there when they were born. Yes, of course he would she wanted to say but her thoughts were fractured and broken and she couldn't find her tongue. Fingers and nails held onto her arms so tight that she broke the skin and little rivulets of blood began to weave through her fur. Then he said that he couldn't abandon them and her gaze snapped back to his. "Non le potrei mai chiedere di ciò fare. Lei sa che spero..." Her words were so soft, only as loud as she could manage in her distressed state.

Tear-filled eyes looked up at him, pleadingly. "Lei ed i cuccioli potrebbero venire qui quando...e lei, lei potrebbe andare a loro quando lei ha avuto bisogno di. Non voglio tenerla da loro. Appena..." she said, choking down a sob. "per favore non partirmi di nuovo." She let out a pain-filled cry, pressing her face against her knees as she cried, her shoulders shaking. Already their relationship had been damaged so much. If he left, it might be beyond repair.


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